Attention To Detail

Care in our space revolves around ensuring the services provided are carried out effectively in line with training and guidance, and are personalised to our service users. 

Someone once said “the difference between good and great is attention to detail” and they couldn’t be more right! At The Care Project, we pay attention to everything (yes, everything!).

What could be insignificant to some could mean the world to others, and we make it our business to really understand you, what makes you tick, what brings you joy and how we can apply ourselves to your care and well-being during your time with us.

Empowered Care

Our goal is to empower you – literally.

We pledge to assist in making you stronger and more confident, especially when it comes to making your decisions and choosing how and when you wish to be supported. We value and respect your views, wishes, feelings and celebrate your individuality.



Reliability & Consistency

We know what it’s like to be let down by those who are there to support you, and have witnessed poor practice throughout our years in the industry. We aim to offer reliability and consistency throughout our service as a whole. This includes our conduct, our care provision, working in partnership with your health professionals and recognising and apologising when we get things wrong – let’s face it, we’re human at the end of the day…and we all make mistakes.

How we reflect, exercise change, grow and develop sets us apart. We are not afraid to admit to our flaws or failures and will always remain honest and transparent in all we do.

We welcome suggestions and feedback throughout your time with us, with the hope that in doing so we will be able to attain a stellar level of care and support, bespoke to you.

Our mission statement pledges to offer a reliable service and that is all we hope to deliver. We wish to be an added strength to your care provision and quite simply:

to be there when you need us.