
You can make a reservation via the method most convenient for you, as follows:

  • A telephone call
  • An email
  • Completing our online contact sheet

Generally speaking, 4-6 weeks in advance is a great amount of time for us to ensure that we are adequately prepared to welcome you into our space, however shorter notice periods are sometimes manageable. This is entirely dependent on our availability. If you’re unsure, ask anyway! If we can’t accommodate your request at this time, we will always look to the soonest available date for your stay.

Yes, once you book, you will receive written confirmation with the selected reservation dates and a reminder nearer to your stay. We will also re-confirm arrangements with you in the week of your proposed stay, just to make sure your arrival process is as smooth as possible.
Upon booking, you will also be informed of our contractual terms and conditions of which a copy will be issued to you/your representative.

Length of stay

Most commissioned respite allowances arrange for 42 nights per annum to be used towards a respite service of your choice. We are happy to accommodate any number of days – provided we have the availability and you have the allowance.
If you are paying for your respite independently, we would be happy to accommodate your request, provided we have the availability.

Of course! We would love to have you stay longer and would welcome you to extend your stay, however we must make sure we have the availability to accommodate you, as well as discuss allowance/cost. We will always make sure you are aware of your options before extending your stay, so you and your loved ones are able to make a fully informed choice.


We would expect cancellations to occur two weeks prior to your scheduled visit, at the latest. This allows us to ensure that all provisions and arrangements that are in place for you can either be rescheduled to a later date, or cancelled in good time without incurring charges to the service.

Depending on the situation it could be either yes or no.
No: Cancellations made within the stipulated period will not incur a charge.
Yes: Cancellations after the two week window has passed will incur a charge, as per the contractual terms of our service.


If your care is commissioned by social services or the NHS (or a combination of both), you will have a number of nights (around 42 per year) allocated towards respite support. The cost of these nights are planned into your budget, for which we would invoice the commissioning authority (based on the number of nights used at any given time).
There may be additional costs to the service to consider that are not contained within your budget. We may need to liaise with your health professionals should these incur an extra charge. You/your health professionals will be notified of this and kept informed of the outcomes of any additional funding requests.

If you are currently responsible for funding your own care, you will be in receipt of an invoice based on the number of nights spent in the service at any given time. You are responsible for fulfilling this payment and will be required to complete payment in two stages – a deposit in advance of your stay and a final payment upon departure. All details can be found within the terms and conditions of our contractual agreement.

Payment should be made by BACS transfer, by the relevant authority/individual. Further detail can be found within the terms and conditions of our contractual agreement.

Allergies/dietary requirements

All allergies/dietary requirements are assessed, recorded, reported and will be catered for in accordance with your care and support plan.
